Online Electives

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Free Homeschool Resources

Last Updated Aug 12, 2024

Simply Be Wild and Free

Free Online Electives

Free school electives and online homeschool resources!

NOTE: Some platforms that have both a paid for and free version (marked with an *) may be completely free during the Covid-19 Pandemic! Those that are offering their full service for free should have a notice at the top of their website.

When Utilizing Free online Resources and Platforms, Please be aware of the Following!

The websites listed below have many great freebies to use in your homeschool – such as online lessons, demonstrations, and interactive resources that can be used as school electives.

Some however, are only partially free and may require a subscription to access their full content or to gain ad free usage.

Speaking of ads — Please remember that few FREE online platforms will not have ads. Please pay special attention to the ones that your children will be utilizing independently. Make sure children are always aware of what things shouldn’t be clicked on!

Take note of all freebies that are marked with an * (asterisk) – These free educational resources for electives either have a large number of (possibly distracting) ads or require a subscription/signup of some sort for complete/ad-free resources or versions.

With that said, I took time to weed out (and chose not to promote in this online homeschool programs resource center) the websites I found too distracting or not worth the effort.

I did, however, spend countless hours researching each one of these online educational websites to build a one-of-a-kind hub for homeschool moms to help them utilize online school electives resources with ease! I found all of the ones listed below to be useful when teaching various school electives in an online homeschool environment!

I worked hard to make sure everything is marked correctly and I spent time on each platform so that I would only be recommending the very best.

However, things get updated and website content will change from time to time! Please make sure to check out my other free homeschool resources.

So please, if you notice mistakes, something doesn’t work, or you have any additional feedback on this online elective courses resource center – please contact me HERE.

If you have any online school electives courses or platforms you would like to see in our homeschool resources center – you can submit them by clicking HERE.

If you need free resources for other subjects or activities, take a moment to check out our entire free resources center below!

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Online Electives

Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the free resources portion of the blog! 

I created this extensive resource platform with all homeschool parents in mind and I hope you found exactly what you needed!

If you enjoyed some of the freebies you found here or simply want to see more of our journey, feel free to follow us on social media for more frequent updates.

You can find all of our social accounts below!


Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog

Free History Lessons

History and geography freebies for home educators.

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Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the free resources portion of the blog! 

I created this extensive resource platform with all homeschool parents in mind and I hope you found exactly what you needed!

If you enjoyed some of the freebies you found here or simply want to see more of our journey, feel free to follow us on social media for more frequent updates.

You can find all of our social accounts below!


Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog
