Homeschool Mom Helps
Homeschool Mom Life - Simple Tips and Helps for New Homeschool Parents

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As a busy homeschool mom myself, I know how important it is to have other homeschool moms to lean on and learn from.

While I’m not an expert by any means, I do have over 9 years of experience doing this homeschool thing, and everything you find on this page comes straight from my heart, you guys!

You can find all my homeschool mom helps below.

The First Homeschool Year

The First Homeschool Year

Ready to take the plunge and homeschool your children? Take a peek into our first year to learn what to expect the first year of homeschooling!

Homeschooling at the Library

Homeschooling at the Library

Homeschoolers and the Library One thing I quickly learned when we first started homeschooling was that homeschoolers absolutely love the library. It didn't take long for me to realize that homeschooling at the library could be a fun alternative to our typical...