Forming good cleaning habits is essential for keeping a clean home!
Keeping a Clean Home
Keeping a clean home isn’t as difficult as most people think.
Those who struggle with clutter and cleanliness are likely just stuck in a pattern of bad habits.
That said, if getting your home in order and keeping it that way is something you truly want to experience it’s officially time to shift your main focus to good habit forming.
I call this the art of tidying up.
The Art of Tidying Up
The art of tidying up begins with positive thinking while forming good cleaning habits and eventually comes full circle once those habits are implemented into daily life.
Changing your mindset and mastering this skill can completely overhaul your life.
That said, it won’t be easy for everyone.
While this skill came naturally to me and was easily formed over the years, this won’t be a reality for most.
Forming Cleaning Habits
Forming good cleaning habits takes both time and consistency.
That said, having support from loved ones willing to practice these habits alongside you can be incredibly beneficial as well.
Whether you are starting this journey on your own, or you plan to walk it with your family, figuring out where to start is vital.
Important Cleaning Habits
While I consider all 6 of these cleaning habits essential for keeping a clean home, picking one or two to focus on is a great place to start.
Check out all 6 cleaning habits below.
Stay in Maintenance Mode
This will always be my number 1 tip for anyone who wants to keep on top of clutter, household management, and cleaning tasks.
If you stay in maintenance mode throughout the day, you will likely be able to stay on top of all your daily tasks.
Thus making your home cleaner and your life less stressful.
That said, performing maintenance tasks during the day will not automatically make your house clean.
While yes, it will appear more tidy and put together overall, you will still need to tackle deep cleaning tasks and chores from time to time.
Practicing the art of staying in maintenance mode simply keeps the daily cutter at bay, allowing you to focus on deeper cleaning tasks without the need to clear the clutter first.
For example, when Saturday rolls around and I want to deep clean my kitchen, I will be a lot more productive if I don’t have to do 2 days’ worth of dishes, go through last week’s mail, and clean 4-day old food from the stove and counter first.
Taking care of daily messes and cleaning up as we go along, means I can put my focus on larger tasks such as dusting, mopping, and organizing.
Clean up After Every Task
This is every mom’s (and sometimes wife’s) biggest battle.
While I truly think this cleaning habit should be a no-brainer for everyone, I know for a fact that it’s not.
I live in a house full of people who love to prove this fact to me all the time.
That said, learning to clean up after finishing a task goes hand-in-hand with staying in maintenance mode and can truly change your life forever.
Cleaning up immediately after a task is finished will automatically make your home appear cleaner.
For ultimate success, this habit should be practiced in all areas of your life.
For example, when you finish the task of taking the dog on a walk, part of the finishing process should include putting the leash away, discarding poop bags, cleaning up the dog (if needed), and putting your shoes or jacket away.
Other examples could include tidying up your work desk when you finish working for the day or fluffing pillows and folding blankets after a cozy movie on the couch.
If done daily, these tasks won’t take up much of your time and will become second nature.
Be Productive Always
Being productive in both your lazy moments and working moments is essential for keeping up with daily tasks!
I know, being productive when you’re lazy sounds like an oxymoron, but stick with me.
Believe it or not, you can have a crazy workweek and a lazy Sunday while keeping the clutter down.
You simply have to practice this 1 habit.
Do something every single time you get up or walk into a new room.
For example, if you’re getting up from your desk to grab a drink from the fridge, fit in a small cleaning task along the way, or put something in its place before heading back to your chair.
This could be as simple as rinsing and putting your empty coffee mug in the sink or it could be a slightly larger task such as wiping down the stove.
Either way, this is seriously one of the earliest cleaning habits I picked up and it makes a world of difference, you guys!
Take Cleaning a Step Further
Once you mastered the art of cleaning up after tasks, taking that cleaning one step further will ensure you always have a guest-ready home.
If you are already in the habit of washing the dishes and wiping down the counter after dinner, bravo! This next step shouldn’t be too difficult to master.
First, think of small, mundane, and easy-to-forget tasks that build up creating a nasty mess over time.
For instance, the dish soap bottle.
I have recently taken my dishwashing one step further by wiping down the nozzle of the dish soap bottle after each use. This cuts down on the buildup, making the bottle look cleaner and easier to use.
That said, I’ve already gone through the process of going one step further in my dishwashing multiple times over the years and it truly only adds a few minutes to my routine.
For example, I also give the stove a quick wipe down, put away dry dishes, change the kitchen towels, and clear all clutter from the counter after dinner ensuring a clean and tidy kitchen for the morning.
If your goal is to have a thoroughly clean home, this step is vital.
Follow a Routine
I’m a huge planner girl and list-keeper, so this cleaning habit is one I will always utilize.
That said, it’s definitely not for everyone.
If you thrive better by winging it, sweet!
However, if you need the added accountability or a visual plan, creating a routine, to-do list, or cleaning schedule is a must!
First, keep yourself in check by following a chore routine or cleaning schedule for daily tasks.
Then, keep a simple list of extras such as big organizational projects and monthly cleaning tasks.
These types of visual aids can help you stay on task no matter your living situation.
For example, we full-time RV, and the cleaning schedule I utilize in our tiny home is very similar to the routine I used in our traditional home.
Learn to Minimize
Of all the cleaning habits mentioned, this is the single one that does not come naturally to me.
I love things, you guys!
I love the entire process of getting and using those things too.
The browsing, the buying, the wearing, and the decorating.
However, transitioning to full-time RV living has opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking.
This is the one area I still need to work on and I’m getting better every day.
Things simply don’t matter in the end.
Learning to let go by donating and tossing is hands-down the easiest way to declutter your home and your life.
Teaching Cleaning Habits to Kids
While forming the habits above can help you get your house more in order, having your family on board will help keep it that way.
That said, I know just how much of a battle this can be!
I formed my good cleaning habits, on my own, as a teenager.
So naturally, living in a home with 4 other people who are not naturally tidy wears on me, you guys!
I’m the type of person who can’t sit still around and twiddle my thumbs waiting for things to happen.
Being productive is a way of life for me and I only have 2 choices when it comes to getting the family on board with the cleaning tasks.
I can a) nag them till they do it or b) do it myself.
I’ve done both.
However, I have to say, that nagging in the form of constant reminders is the only thing that shows consistent results.
While yes, doing it myself gets the job done, it also wears me out and completely consumes me.
Implementing a simple chore routine and then going behind my children reminding them to throw away their snack wrappers, put away their shoes, and rinse out their bowls throughout the day is the best way to help them begin that lengthy process of forming good cleaning habits.
It’s not perfect, but it’s all I got, you guys!
Daily Cleaning Habits
If you are still struggling with forming good cleaning habits, I encourage you to give yourself the push you need by picking one of these simple everyday cleaning tasks to focus on.
Then, once you mastered adding one cleaning task to your daily routine, pick another!
Getting in the habit of one extra cleaning task each day sets you up for success in adding another!
Happy cleaning, you guys!