Planning a Catch up Day

by | Apr 26, 2018 | Mom Tips

Last Updated Oct 11, 2021
Catch up Day for Moms

Planning a catch-up day when life gets overwhelming might be just what you need!

Simple Tips for
Planning a Catch-up Day…

The sink is overflowing with dishes, you need groceries, no one in your house has clean socks, you’re behind on lessons, and dinner hasn’t been made. You’re stressed, blessed, and extremely overwhelmed. As a working homeschool mom, it’s safe to say I’ve been there a time or two — catch-up day to the rescue!

Catch up Day for Chores & More

Unfortunately, days like this seem to sneak up on me. Then, they want to take up a permanent residence and stay forever. Definitely not my cup of tea! I simply don’t do chaotic and messy very well. I need order, organization, and a plan to even function.

Take a Step Back, Evaluate, Plan

If you’re feeling completely overwhelmed and swallowed by life, taking a step back is a must. Take a breather, look around, reevaluate your situation, make a plan, and work towards an end goal!

Sounds great on paper right? What about in real life?

In order for change to happen, you have to set goals and make it happen. Period.

The first step to getting there? Planning, planning, planning!

You can’t just hope or think about change, you have to create the change!

Planning a Catch-up Day
My 5 Step Method…

This is where it’s at mommas! If you are completely drowning in everyday tasks that seem to have no end, you absolutely need a catch-up day. Or if you’re anything like me, you might even need a catch-up week! Trust me, the catch-up week has actually been a reality in my house — a few times even.

Catch up Day to do list

  • Stop

Stop what you are doing! Don’t fold anymore laundry, don’t thaw the chicken for dinner, or teach that next math lesson.

Literally, just stop.

Stop doing all the things.

If your kids are older, send them off for some quiet reading or outdoor play. If you have littles, you might need to get creative here with a movie, nap, or an abundance of snacks. Just get them settled with something, so that you can take a moment to stop doing all the things!

Sounds strange, but stay with me!

  • Look

Look around. Take a deep breath, grab a notebook, then do a quick walk-through of your home.

What are you behind on? Who needs your attention? What errands have you pushed off?

Start jotting it all down in your notebook. Not necessarily in any order of importance, just write whatever you think of – the second that it crosses your mind.

Beware, momma — the list is bound to get long!

  • Think

Think about your list. Look it over and evaluate.

Do you have 25 things written down? Or is it more like 100?

Evaluate your standings. Weed out the unnecessary tasks that have snuck their way onto your list. Then, figure out how long you might need to accomplish what’s leftover. Also, take some time to decide if you are going to need help completing it!

Remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for help!

  • Plan

Plan your attack.

Reorder your list in order of importance, pick the day (or week) you are going to tackle the tasks, and create a finalized to-do list!

I highly suggest blocking out all of your time for an entire day or set of days. Be specific on what you are doing and when you are doing it. Write it all down, starting with the most important or overwhelming tasks first, ending with the simple.

  • Do

Do it! Attack that list with a fierce vengeance and get it done!

It may seem unreachable at first, but you’ve totally got this! If you have littles, definitely enlist the help of grandparents, older children, or maybe even ask your spouse to take a day off from work to spend with them while you work on catching up!

If your children are older, put them to work alongside you! Give them smaller tasks that you know they can complete on their own, all while making your to-do list smaller.

Make this catch-up day work for the sake of your sanity, if nothing else!

Generally, I take catch-up days completely off from homeschooling. There will always be time to fit in extra lessons on weekends, holiday breaks, whenever. Homeschoolers are always learning anyway, so a little time off from core lessons definitely doesn’t hurt!

Plus, helping mom tackle a to-do list totally counts as home economics! Bam!

Keep a watchful eye on your list, manage your time properly, and work your butt off! You will be exhausted, but it’s totally worth it in the end.

I actually just recently had a catch-up day myself, and I’m still reaping the benefits. My house is cleaner, my laundry is at a manageable level, lessons are being completed, and somehow dinner has made it on the table every single day this week!

Huge win for this homeschool mom!

Free Printable Catch Up Day to-do List

In need of a simple list to track your progress? Sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this post to get your free catch-up day to-do list! Signing up will also keep you up to date on all things Simply Be Wild & Free as well as give you access to my entire free printables library!

Looking for More Help?

Check out some of my most popular posts for catching up, time management, and organization!

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Planning a Catch up Day

Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the mom tips portion of the blog! 

Typically summer is the most productive time for my blog. However, our family is currently living in temporary housing and we do not see an end in sight (thank you housing marking 😪) — meaning my workspace & supplies to produce quality content it extremely limited.

I am still working, but it’s nothing like normal.

As always, we appreciate your patience! 

If you enjoyed this article or simply want to see more of our journey, feel free to follow us on social media for more frequent updates.

You can find all of our social accounts below!


Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog

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Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the mom tips portion of the blog! 

Typically summer is the most productive time for my blog. However, our family is currently living in temporary housing and we do not see an end in sight (thank you housing marking 😪) — meaning my workspace & supplies to produce quality content it extremely limited.

I am still working, but it’s nothing like normal.

As always, we appreciate your patience! 

If you enjoyed this article or simply want to see more of our journey, feel free to follow us on social media for more frequent updates.

You can find all of our social accounts below!


Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog
