Mother’s Day Ideas

by | May 7, 2018 | Holidays

Last Updated Mar 1, 2023
Pink flower with Celebrating Mom in white text.

Celebrate mom with simple activities & thoughtful gifts this year! Check out all of our Mother’s Day Ideas below!

Simple Ways to Show Mom You care

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, so there is no better time than now to start planning the best Mother’s day ever.

Whether you are a mother yourself or are simply shopping for one. These simple Mother’s Day ideas are a great place to start.

If you are ready to truly show Mom just how much she means to you this year, then this, my friend, is the list for you!

Mother’s Day Ideas, From Mom

As a mother myself, I know exactly what I want most every year — peace.

I don’t care about lavish gifts or shiny jewelry.

It’s pure simplicity that I crave.

Mothers Day Ideas, From Mom

I want to rest up, practice a little self-care, eat something scrumptious, enjoy the presence of my family, and skip the all the messy cleanup!

I would imagine that most moms are in this very same boat.

If you truly want to give Mom a gift she will remember, listen up!

Skip the expensive and focus on what matters most.

**Don’t forget, these simple Mother’s Day ideas can easily be adapted into a gift for Grandmas, Nanas, Or Memas!

10 Simple Mother’s Day Ideas

Keep things simple and light for Mom this year.

Trust me on this, Mother’s Day does not need to be over the top or lavish.

While yes, most women enjoy gifts and being pampered, moms tend to crave a single day of simplicity when it comes to this very special day.

These are the 10 things I, as a mom, would want for Mother’s Day this year — check them out!

Personal Mother’s Day Ideas

It’s important to show mom you get her.

You know her hopes, dreams, and her interests.

These simple gift ideas are perfect for the mom who appreciates that personal touch.

  • Build an Inspirational Journal Kit

If the Mom in your life likes to journal, doodle, or write — this will be a welcomed gift!

Purchase a simple journal, a handful of fun pens, and a few simple sticker sheets.

Then, have each child hand-write a bible verse, quote, or cute saying on a random page — leaving plenty of open space for Mom to add her own additions over time.

Inspirational Journal for Mom

If your child is too young to write, simply take over a little by writing the verse or quote yourself.

Then, let your little one color and add stickers.

Have artsy kids? Have them create a title page in the front with a simple title and fun illustrations! The possibilities with this one are endless, you guys!

If this is a hit with the mom in your life, simply add to her collection each Mother’s Day by picking up additional pens or new stickers — maybe even throw in some fancy washi tape!

Supplies needed:

Want to take it up a notch? Toss all mom’s journaling supplies in a zipper pouch for some added organization! Then add in some fun extras such as colored pencils & brush markers!

  • Plan a Mom-Venture

As a stay-at-home, introverted, homeschool mom, I don’t plan very many outings for myself and I’m totally ok with staying home most of the time.

If I am going somewhere, it tends to be an appointment, something for the kids, or a trip to pick up the essentials.

With that said, there are adventure loving mom’s out there (introverted & non-introverted alike)

If the mom in your life lights up when she gets to go somewhere, planning a mom-venture might be exactly what she needs!

Plan a Mom-Venture for Mother's Day

While I am an introvert and tend to be a homebody, I do love a good scenic drive now and again.

Sometimes a trip to one of our favorite hiking spots works wonders for the soul as well.

Simply take a few moments to think about the type of mom-venture the mom you will be celebrating this year would appreciate.

A mom-venture could be something simple and relaxing (definitely my style) such as a picnic in the park or it could be something a little more daring like skydiving.

Either way, focus on mom, her needs, and her idea of a good time.

Seriously though. Some of my most memorable Mother’s Days are the simple ones filled with family trips to the park or even just a chill day relaxing in the backyard with the grill going.

Supplies needed: yourself & a plan of attack!

Creative Mother’s Day Ideas

Sometimes all Mom needs this time of year is a simple handwritten thank you for always being there or a handmade keepsake.

Not only will these Mother’s Day ideas not break the bank, but they can be so much fun for the little ones!

  • Make a Homemade Card

Simple, yet effective!

Moms absolutely live for this sort of thing. 

A simple handmade card can be kept and cherished for years to come.

Plus, they can easily pair with any gift.

Cute Mothers Day Card Ideas

Some craft supplies and a little love are all you need to show Mom you care.

Supplies needed:

Don’t have everything you need to make a card or are completely strapped for time?

Pick up a premade card from the store or lean on freebies like this Mother’s Day card for kids instead.

Then, simply let your child jazz it up with some stickers and a handwritten note.

Cards are an incredibly simple way to show someone how you feel.

  • Create a Personal Craft

This can be such a cute Mother’s Day craft for kids!

A little tape or stickers, some paint, and you’re golden!

You simply press your stickers firmly or use tape to spell a word on your canvas.

Paint, let dry, then remove the stickers or tape – leaving a beautiful canvas for Mom!

You can easily make this personal by spelling out MOM or by creating special sayings you share with Mom.

My daughter always says I love you more than, which could be a super cute idea for this craft!

My boys also did this craft (a number of years ago) using their names, which was a super fun project as well!

Supplies needed:

Supplies needed: canvas, paint, stickers, or painters tape

  • Hand Pick a Bouquet of Flowers

Give Mom the gift of flowers that never wilt!

I did this cute handprint craft with my Sunday school class a few years ago, and they were a huge hit!

I also made one for myself and I absolutely cherish it to this day.

Adorable Mother's Day Hand Craft bouquet in coffee mug

Simply trace your child’s hand on colored cardstock, cut it out, and have them write their name on it.

You can attach the hand-prints to anything long that can easily be put into a vase. Such as dowel rods, craft sticks, or a plastic butter knife (serrated side taped to the hand).

Then, simply pop the handprints into a cute vase or coffee mug filled with gems (or candy, yum!) and you have a beautiful potted flower!

Have multiple kids? Make it a hand-picked bouquet (see what I did there ;)!

Supplies needed:

Looking for more mug options? Consider using one of these unique coffee mugs for moms!

Selfless Mother’s Day Ideas

This is what Mother’s Day is truly about.

Moms give selflessly all year long and there is no better way to show her how much she means to you then by selflessly giving back.

  • Give Her the Day Off

Yes, yes, yes!

Every Mom deserves a day off.

As a mom myself, I totally understand how unrealistic this sounds because Mom typically can’t take a day off from everything — especially when she has little ones.

With that said, moms still deserve a break time from time to time.

Give Mom a Day off for Mothers Day

If you can’t give Mom a break from all the things, then start small.

Think of a task (or two) that the mom in your life could use a break from.

Maybe it’s diaper duty, laundry, cooking, or washing the dishes — whatever it is, give mom some time off from her least favorite tasks, showing her just how much you truly appreciate all her hard work!

If you have kiddos that are old enough to help, encourage them to get involved in this one. Just make sure the tasks that are chosen can easily be tackled by the kids independently or with the help of a willing adult.

It can be downright frustrating to a mom if she’s told something will be done for her, only to end up doing it herself later.

Supplies needed: You, your kiddos, & good attitudes all around — because grumbling and complaining isn’t Mom’s idea of a perfect gift.

  • Serve Breakfast in Bed

Showing Mom how much you appreciate her by serving her is a classic move for Mother’s Day.

Seriously though — who wouldn’t love breakfast in bed?

If you have older kiddos, encourage them to help with cooking, plating, and serving.

Mothers Day Breakfast in Bed Ideas

Make Mom something delicious and deliver it straight to her bedroom before she even has the chance to do anything for anybody else!

This is definitely one of the best ways to start a Sunday morning.

Want to make her breakfast even more special? Create a set of I Love You Because cards (included in our Mother’s Day bundle) to read through while she eats

Supplies needed:

  • Cook and Clean up

This is huge!

As a homeschool mom, I find myself completely worn down by the end of the day and sometimes cooking is the absolute last thing I want to do.

Knowing that someone else is willing to cook for me, plus clean up afterward — well that’s downright heavenly!

Hands washing white coffee mug as part of the Mothers day idea to clean up after cooking

Encourage your children to make Mom a meal (with dad’s help) then clean up afterward.

If cooking isn’t your forte or simply isn’t an option, ordering Mom’s favorite take-out dessert can certainly do the trick as well.

Mothers work hard every single day of the year, and showing her how much you appreciate that hard work by treating her with a good meal that involves little to no cleanup is a priceless gift that never goes out of style.

Supplies needed: a comfy spot for Mom to kick up her feet while she watches you cook (and clean) 😉

Last Minute Mother’s Day Ideas

If you are reading through these Mother’s Day ideas the day before the big day, don’t fret. I’ve got you covered!

Life throws a lot at us during the course of a year and sometimes holidays can sneak up on us.

Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us.

If you are in need of some last-minute (but heartfelt) gift ideas for the mom in your life, these are the ones for you. 

  • Make a Coupon Book

Coupon books are an iconic Mother’s Day gift.

I’ve received a handful of these during my mommin’ years and they are so much fun!

Kids can seriously come up with some of the cutest ideas for coupons too.

Printable Mothers Day Ideas - Coupon Book

Coupon books filled with days off and fun activities are just a fun way to show Mom you appreciate her and are willing to help her out throughout the year.

You can easily (and quickly) make your own with the free printable coupon booklet that is included in our Mother’s Day bundle!

Simply have your kiddos fill it out, add some fun embellishments if desired, then staple it together and you’re good to go.

Coupon book example ideas: extra hugs or snuggles, helping Mom with her daily chores, helping out with a younger sibling, making Mom’s bed for a week, or drying the dishes.

The options are seriously endless for this one, you guys!

Supplies needed:

  • Fill Out a Fun Keepsake

Extremely strapped for time?

This definitely a great go-to option!

Fill out a simple All About Mom worksheet — like the one included in our Mother’s Day bundle!

Mothers Day Ideas - Child filling out a keepsake worksheet

This is such a fun keepsake for mom to hang on to for years to come and it’s the perfect option for little ones!

Toddlers and preschoolers seriously give some of the best answers for these types of activities, like their Mema only being 28 years old (shown in the image above).

Let me tell you, that one flattered my mom for sure.

Simply print and have your child fill out the worksheet — easy peasy!

Consider laminating this simple activity to turn it into a timeless keepsake. 

Supplies needed:

More Mother’s Day Ideas on the Blog

Just in case you missed them, you can find all of our Mother’s Day blog posts below!

Now get out there and show the powerful & amazing mom in your life just how much you truly care!

Mother\'s Day Ideas

Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the holiday portion of the blog! 

Typically summer is the most productive time for my blog. However, our family is currently living in temporary housing and we do not see an end in sight (thank you housing marking 😪) — meaning my workspace & supplies to produce quality content it extremely limited.

I am still working, but it’s nothing like normal.

As always, we appreciate your patience! 

If you enjoyed this article or simply want to see more of our journey, feel free to follow us on social media for more frequent updates.

You can find all of our social accounts below!


Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog

Valentine’s Day Activities

Check out my mega list of Valentine’s day fun for kids!

Valentine\'s Day Activities

Easter Coloring pages

Free printable Easter coloring pages!

Easter Coloring pages

St. Patrick’s Day Activities

Fun STEAM projects, printables, sensory activities, and crafts!

St. Patrick\'s Day Activities

St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Pages

5 free coloring pages for St. Patrick’s Day!

St. Patrick\'s Day Coloring Pages

Follow us on Social Media

Connect with our brand on social media and join our homeschool group on Facebook!




Facebook Group

Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the holiday portion of the blog! 

Typically summer is the most productive time for my blog. However, our family is currently living in temporary housing and we do not see an end in sight (thank you housing marking 😪) — meaning my workspace & supplies to produce quality content it extremely limited.

I am still working, but it’s nothing like normal.

As always, we appreciate your patience! 

If you enjoyed this article or simply want to see more of our journey, feel free to follow us on social media for more frequent updates.

You can find all of our social accounts below!


Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog
