Homeschool Teacher Gift Ideas

by | Apr 28, 2023 | Homeschool Mom Helps

Treat Yourself with a Simple Homeschool Mom Gift

Teacher appreciation week is a big deal in public and private schools, why shouldn’t it be a big deal for homeschoolers too? Treat yourself this year with some of these fun homeschool mom/teacher gift ideas!

Being a Homeschool Mom

Being a homeschool mom can be such a wonderful blessing, however, it can also come with its own mix of challenges and struggles along the way.

Whether you are homeschooling a teenager or a preschooler, it can become easy to feel overwhelmed, unappreciated, and run down from time to time.

Especially when we have itty bitty ones counting on us all day long.

This is why homeschool mom self-care should 100% be a thing in your homeschool.

From practicing a simple quiet time routine so mom can reset, to planning an entire day off to catch up and relax.

Fill Your Cup with Self-Care

Take it from an introverted homeschool that runs on an empty cup all too often.

The Importance of Appreciation

While self-care typically doesn’t come in the form of self-appreciation, it totally should from time to time.

We raise these little humans, clean up their snotty noses, teach them to talk and read, throw them parties when they gain a year, spend all our energy reading them books and taking them to the park, then at some point we send them out into the world with all of our trust and the keys to our car.

It’s a stressful, beautiful, crazy, amazing ride, you guys!

And sometimes we just need to show a little appreciation to the one that helped shape them into the amazing humans they are today — that’s you!

Teacher Appreciation Week

I’ll be the first one to admit that most school teachers are total rock stars!

While my kids are no longer in a brick-and-mortar class setting, they have been in the past.

Teacher Appreciation Week

My two older children attended a private school for a number of years and all three of my kids took homeschool science classes at our local zoo.

You better believe we appreciated and loved on all those teachers, helpers, and administrators throughout the years.

There have been so many wonderful adults that have had an influence in the lives of my kiddos and I will be forever grateful to those humans!

With that said, I also tend to believe that homeschool moms deserve a little love, credit, and appreciation every now and again.

We do some hard stuff too, you guys!

With Teacher Appreciation Week on the horizon, there is no better time to show a little homeschool teacher appreciation & self-care — to yourself.

Gifting to the Homeschool Teacher (and Mom)

While gifting to yourself may sound a little vain (almost like you’re patting yourself on the back for a job well done) it truly isn’t.

If you encourage your kiddos to participate in giving back and showing appreciation to the other adults in their lives, then why should it be any different for you to encourage them (and yourself) to show a little love and appreciation to their homeschool teacher and mom?

Homeschool Teacher Gifts are a Must

We are our kid’s biggest and loudest fans. We support them, teach them, and cheer them on.

It’s time to show a little love and grace to ourselves.

Skip all the mom guilt and pick up some homeschool teacher gift ideas you’re sure to love.

Practical Homeschool Teacher Gift Ideas

This! Practical is always a good way to go when it comes to simple teacher gifts (for in and outside of the home).

While splurging and buying something over the top might sound like fun, sticking with something to fulfill a need you’ve been neglecting or buying something that serves a bigger purpose will help elevate any terrible mom guilt.

Happy Teacher's Day

As a devoted homeschool mom of 3, I feel this one to my core!

I could spend money on my kids all day long but when it comes to buying a little something for myself it’s just so hard to click that checkout button.

Caring for YOU can be hard a first, but it’s so essential!

  • Everyday Teacher Gift Ideas

If you aren’t sure what to buy for your kid’s homeschool teacher (that’s you, btw) this year, start by drafting up a simple list of everyday items you need and would totally use, but tend to put off buying.

First, think about practical items just for mom.

Then, think of items that can benefit your homeschool as a whole, things that might help you get projects done more efficiently, or even something important just for the home — simply try and lean towards items that will make your day-to-day mom life a tad bit easier.

Check out my top 3 everyday teacher gift ideas & suggestions!

1) Organizational Items.

As a homeschool mom that thrives on structure and organization, I definitely had to toss this one in.

If your home (or homeschool room) is in major need of some decluttering, this might just be the best go-to option to show yourself some much-needed love and appreciation this year!

Decorative Baskets Make Great Teacher Gift Ideas

First, focus on an area that you’ve been wanting to declutter.

Second, asses the mess situation and determine how to tackle it.

Finally, lean on simple items (decorative or not) that fit your budget best.

Maybe you need some plastic totes and a desk organizer to keep the clutter at bay in your homeschool area or possibly just a few simple decorative baskets in the living will do.

2) Homeschool Teacher Supplies

Man, oh, man! This truly is a list from my heart.

There is seriously nothing better than having your very own homeschool mom supplies!

Planners and Supplies Make the Best Homeschool Teacher Gift Ideas

I keep a simple rolling cart next to my desk that is filled with high-quality pens, colorful brush markers, a wide collection of colored pencils, fun doodle books, and my beloved homeschool planner.

Nothing in this cart is for my kids and I’m totally ok with that.

If the idea of having your very own school supplies sounds like a slice of heaven to you, just do it!

You will totally thank me later.

Grab yourself a rolling cart and fill it with all your homeschool mom needs — such as a planner and new pens to help you kick start next year’s homeschool prep.

3) Insulated Travel Cup

Ok, you got me.

I’m pretty sure I made this entire list of homeschool teacher gift ideas for myself — sorry, not sorry!

Coffee Mugs Make Great Homeschool Teacher Gifts

This simple coffee hack changed my life once upon a time (and now I’m seriously wondering why I haven’t done it in since we moved into the RV)

If you find yourself warming your coffee (or tea) multiple times a day, this is the gift for you!

Keep your drinks hot or cold throughout your entire homeschool day with a simple travel coffee mug or insulated water bottle!

Such an easy (and budget-friendly) homeschool teacher gift idea!

  • Self-Care Teacher Gift Ideas

I know self-care can be an iffy subject in the mom realm, but honestly, I actually consider it an essential part of being a mom.

It’s hard to give someone your all when you have absolutely nothing left to give.

That’s why I created this list of Teacher Appreciation Week gifts for the run-down mom struggling to take care of herself.

Buy your kid’s homeschool teacher (again, that’s you) something to help her reset, renew, and refresh with these 3 simple suggestions!

1) Yummy Treats

Go grocery shopping just for you.

Leave the kiddos at home, grab yourself a Starbucks, and fill that shopping cart with special treats just for you.

Teacher Gift Ideas - Yummy Treats for Teachers

If that isn’t an option consider a quick pickup order at your favorite grocery store or bakery, cooking your favorite meal, or grabbing some amazing takeout!

Coffee, chocolate, cookies wine, an entire sheet cake, the possibilities are endless.

2) Hobby Items

Yes, yes, yes. I cannot stress this one enough!

Before we got busy with homeschool lessons, soccer practices, and laundry piles we had hobbies once upon a time, right?

Let’s face it, as busy homeschool moms, our hobbies tend to get pushed to the back burner and it can almost make us feel like we are missing a part of ourselves.

If you’re in that very place, this might just be the type of gift you need!

Books for Teachers - Teacher Gift Ideas

Are you an avid reader but haven’t had the chance to read something new and exciting lately? Consider grabbing yourself that new book you’ve been eyeing and set aside time to read it over the summer months.

Whatever your hobby, don’t be afraid to take the time to pursue it every now and again.

Having a moment to ourselves to embrace the serenity that our hobbies bring isn’t selfish.

3) Health Products

While yummy treats and hobby items can make great homeschool teacher gifts, sometimes we need to focus on a different side of self-care.

Being a Mom means we give of ourselves on a daily basis — sometimes a little too much if we are honest.

Focusing on ourselves can be hard but it’s so important that we are functioning at our complete best so that we can help teach our kids to function at theirs.

Healthy Gift Ideas for Homeschool Teachers

If you already have a workout schedule, have created the perfect diet plan, take all your needed supplements, and are up on your water intake — kudos to you!

However, if you are like most busy homeschool moms you will find yourself struggling in at least one of those areas.

If health is something you want to concentrate on this year, consider gifting yourself whatever it is you need to get back on track.

Think supplements you’ve been afraid to take the plunge and try, a new gym membership, a blender to incorporate more greens into your diet, or a fun new water bottle to encourage adequate hydration.

This is definitely an area I’ve put more focus on in the past couple of years and let me tell you, health matters!

When I feel better, I do better.

With that said, if focusing on nutrition isn’t exactly your jam, grabbing some fun nail colors or a new lipstick might be just the ticket to make you feel more like yourself instead!

  • Homeschool Room Teacher Gift Ideas

In my personal opinion, these shouldn’t technically be considered gifts.

However, I did choose to include them simply because I’m a homeschool mom and I get how hard it can be to spend money on yourself!

With that said, these particular items are what I would consider investment pieces for your homeschool — making it a little easier to pull the trigger (even though they cost a penny or 2).

Binding Machine for Homeschool

So, if leaning on the side of practical or focusing on self-care simply isn’t something you can get behind with teacher gifting this year, consider making an investment for your homeschool instead!

I will only briefly touch on these as I do view them more as a last resort when it comes to gifting.

Consider purchasing larger items such as a binding machine or a laminator for your homeschool room!

Both of these items are commonly used items in our home and I’m so thankful I made the investment for both of them long ago.

Other Homeschool Teacher Gift Ideas

If you still find yourself struggling with the concept of purchasing yourself a teacher gift this year, take some time to assess your needs.

Then, assess the needs of your homeschool room and even possibly the needs of your house.

Make a column for NEEDS and a column for WANTS.

Finally, pick a few items within your budget and just buy something.

If need be, pick something you and your kids can both benefit from or enjoy together!

Finally, if all else fails and you still can’t come up with something amazing for your kid’s homeschool teacher (you, again) simply grab a few gift cards for you to spend on wants throughout the upcoming homeschool year.

In the end, make sure you are genuinely showing yourself a little appreciation and respect.

Love this article? Take a moment to share it on social media for other struggling homeschool parents!

Homeschool Teacher Gift Ideas

Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the homeschool mom helps portion of the blog! 

This is where you will find simple encouragement from a homeschool mom that has been there a time or two herself.

I hope you found this article helpful and come back to visit again soon!

Want to connect on social media?

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Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog

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Meet the Author

Life & Homeschool Author

Hey guys! I’m Mary, homeschool mom of 3 amazing kiddos.

I’m so excited that you decided to check out my little corner of the world!

If you have been following our journey for any length of time, you already know that I’m obsessed with coffee, organization, and all things simple.

I’m also a huge dog lover and introvert 💗

My homeschool style is very eclectic.

I enjoy a solid mixture of structure and free range. I set goals for myself and my children each week, but I put no pressure on perfection.

We use a wide variety of curriculum in our home.

Some of our current favorites are The Good and the Beautiful, Life of Fred, Beautiful Feet Books, and Lifepac.

While my kids do spend a good amount of time learning at desks, they also spend countless hours exploring their creativity and practicing a little independence.

I love mountains, rainy days, and sitting by the campfire. 

Our family recently relocated to the PNW and we have been enjoying finding new nature spots to explore together 🙌🏼

I can’t wait to connect and share all the things I’ve learned on our new journey! 

Just a Note…

Thanks for checking out the homeschool mom helps portion of the blog! 

This is where you will find simple encouragement from a homeschool mom that has been there a time or two herself.

I hope you found this article helpful and come back to visit again soon!

Want to connect on social media?

You can find all of our social accounts below!


Don’t forget to check out our Facebook group too!

This group is open to all homeschool moms.

Whether you are already knee-deep in your homeschool journey or just dipping your toes in — all homeschool moms are welcome!

Looking forward to connecting! Simply Be Wild & Free Life + Homeschool Blog
